

A z o r es La Réunion F alkland Islands Bonai r e Saba Sint E ustatius
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitaet Hannover (LUH) is a non-profit public body, founded in 1831, with over 25,000 students enrolled in over 190 study programmes. The SELINA project team consists of interdisciplinary scientists who work at the Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section of the Institute of Earth System Sciences. As coordinating institution, we will take care of the successful implementation and management of the SELINA Project as well as for the interdisciplinary integration of the project’s results.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Technology developer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
Stichting Capitals Coalition (CapsCo)
Stichting Capitals Coalition (CapsCo)

The Capitals Coalition is a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision-making. We sit at the heart of an extensive global network that has united to advance the Capitals approach to decision-making. The Coalition provides an overview of the landscape, highlights connections, engages in outreach and facilitates expert advice within the Capitals community. We ensure that different parts of the system are connected and that leading organizations and experts work collaboratively to achieve our shared ambition.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration
Ecostack Innovations Limited (EcoINN)
Ecostack Innovations Limited (EcoINN)

Ecostack Innovations cultivate new ideas for a nature-positive future, providing guidance and tools for organisations to manage how they interact with and impact the natural world. Ecostack Innovations is an environmental consultancy and research analytics firm providing expertise in ecological and sustainability topics. We work with communities in agri-environment, environmental monitoring, stakeholder involvement, co-creation and placemaking, and are currently establishing a one-stop solution that may be accessed by different organisations to assess sustainability at a corporate level.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
University of Trento (UniTrento)
University of Trento (UniTrento)

The University of Trento is a medium size university constantly ranked among the best Italian research institutions. Activities for SELINA will be undertaken within the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering by the PLANES Lab. The Lab’s mission is to advance ecosystem services knowledge for planning sustainable cities and landscapes. Our research is grounded in sustainability science and brings together different fields, such as landscape ecology, planning theory, spatial analysis and impact assessment.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Education and training
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
Pensoft Publishers (PENSOFT)
Pensoft Publishers (PENSOFT)

Pensoft Publishers is an SME specialising in academic, open access book and journal publishing, software development and web design, project dissemination, and science communication. The company’s project department is a motivated team of active scientists, project managers and science communicators offering services including consultancy and development of communication strategies, plans for dissemination and exploitation, and data management plans.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
Centre for Ecological Research (OK)
Centre for Ecological Research (OK)

As part of the Centre for Ecological Research, the Institute of Ecology and Botany seeks to propose scientific solutions to the environmental challenges of our time, such as land-use change, habitat degradation, climate change, urbanisation, the effects of intensive agriculture, invasions, and the emergence of new diseases. In addition to its basic research activities, the institute carries out a number of public monitoring and applied research activities.

Role in the project

  • Project management 
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU)
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU)

Mykolas Romeris University, Environmental Management Laboratory is a motivated multidisciplinary research group (e.g., marine biology, law, education, communication science, geographers and soil scientists) focused on natural and social analysis related to the environment. The team has considerable experience in land use change assessment (present and future), protected areas planning, land degradation analysis, urban ecosystems analysis and mapping and assessment of ecosystem services in terrestrial, coastal and marine systems.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Education and training
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU)
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU)

The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) is a public research institution. It has a multidisciplinary character; in addition to the humanities, its spheres of research also cover the natural and social sciences. It primarily conducts research on a broad variety of topics connected with natural and cultural heritage in Slovenia and beyond. Anton Melik Geographical Institute, one of 18 research units, is an engaged team with a strong focus on environmental topics.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Education and training
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
University of Patras (UPatras)
University of Patras (UPatras)

The University of Patras, besides its distinguished path in education, has acquired a reputation for producing qualitative and innovative research and for taking part in a plethora of research projects, scientific organizations and research groups. Among them, the Department of Biology implements research activities covering a wide range of cutting-edge biological technologies and basic sciences with a strong track record also in policy and governance analysis, suggests future steps and possible solutions to conservation managers, decision- and policy-makers, etc.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
space4environment (s4e)
space4environment (s4e)

space4environment (s4e) is a private sector enterprise aiming at fostering the use of space (earth observation) data for assessing the state of the environment, its ecosystems and their services. Nonetheless, we know that just providing mapping or monitoring services to our customers is not enough. This is why s4e has enlarged its activities towards thematic assessments and data intelligence to promote easier communication and better decision-making. The core activity of s4e can be best summarised by our maxim “using space to provide space for the environment.

Role in the project

  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Research performer
  • Technology developer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG-BAS)
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG-BAS)

NIGGG-BAS carries out fundamental and applied studies in the field of geophysics, seismology, earthquake engineering, geodesy, and geography in order to facilitate sustainable development. The institute provides scientific services to governmental and non-governmental bodies, including monitoring, expert information, analyses and assessments. Its SELINA project members work in the GIS section, which mostly specializes in mapping, modelling and assessing water-related ES for the last 15 years.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Research performer
  • Education and training
Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)
Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

The Rey Juan Carlos University is a Spanish public university based in Madrid. Founded in 1996, it has approximately 45,458 students, making it the second university in Madrid with the highest number of students enrolled. The SELINA project team consists of interdisciplinary scientists who work at the Department of environmental science and technology.

Role in the project

  • Project management 
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement 
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Technology developer 
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
University of Salzburg (PLUS)
University of Salzburg (PLUS)

The Department of Geoinformatics, Z_GIS at the University of Salzburg is one of four departments at the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences, which was newly established in 2022. It is nationally and internationally well renowned for spatial information processing. Knowledge creation is largely based on externally funded or supported research projects in the national and European context. The know-how generated by these projects is constantly transferred into the academic community and into society. Z_GIS hosts an annual GIS conference and is active in academic education and on the job study programs. The Department of Geoinformatics is internationally recognized as a competence centre in the field of geoinformatics.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
University of Bucharest (UB)
University of Bucharest (UB)

The Research Centre in Systems Ecology and Sustainability was established in 1999 at the University of Bucharest. Our extensive research experience was gained in: i) dynamics of composition and structural configuration of ecological systems under pressure of human and climatic drivers; ii) understanding and quantification of ecological processes; iii) identification and quantification of key ecosystem functions and services; iv) social analysis and valuation of biodiversity services; v) environmental policies analysis and scientific support for their implementation.

Role in the project

  • Project management 
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement 
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)

VITO is a pacesetter in the transition to sustainability for companies and governments. We are here to advise them in their quest for workable solutions, arising from a unique systemic approach, for the enormous challenges that we are faced with. We build bridges between companies, research institutes, governments and citizens by developing technologies and integrating knowledge from various domains (land use and ecosystem services, climate, energy, water, health, sustainable materials and chemistry) across country borders.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer 
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
  • Remote sensing data processing
Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD)
Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD)

The Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) is a not-for-profit SME that supports the conservation and sustainable use of natural ecosystems by building knowledge and stimulating awareness of the many ways in which people depend on nature. Activities include conducting research, database development, organising conferences and trainings, and citizen-science projects.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
  • ESVD access and development
Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF LATVIA)
Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF LATVIA)

Baltic Environmental Forum - Latvia is a non-governmental organisation that aims to strengthen environmental protection by promoting emerging policy issues, supporting dialogue between various stakeholders and by building their capacities in environmental management. The main areas of BEF activities are nature and biodiversity protection, ecosystem services, water resource management, energy efficiency, climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable urban, rural and marine policies, and more.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Civil society representative 
  • Research performer
Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU)
Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU)

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, was founded in 1919. This research university is one of the best academic centers in Poland. The cornerstones of its reputation are a time-honored tradition, outstanding scientific achievements of its academic staff, students, and graduates, and an attractive curriculum. The academic community comprises 38,000 students, 3,000 academic staff, and 20 in-town faculties, and the university offers over 200 professional specializations. 

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)

INRAE is the french National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created on January 1, 2020. INRAE will help address these concerns. It will use research, innovation, and support for public policies and has the following missions: carry out, organise, and coordinate, on its own initiative or in response to a governmental request, all types of scientific and technological research in the domains of agriculture, food, forestry, the environment, water resources, biodiversity, the bioeconomy, the circular economy, the sustainable management of regions, and risks.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Research performer
Copenhagen University (UCPH)
Copenhagen University (UCPH)

The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) is the largest research and education institution in Denmark. At UCPH, the SELINA project is based in the Spatial change and Planning Group at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. The team is highly profiled in countryside planning and policies, governance issues and landscape analysis dealing with agricultural landscapes, farmers’ landscape behavior, ecosystem services and multifunctional landscapes.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA)
Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA)

Established in 1988, NINA is an independent foundation focusing on environmental research, emphasizing the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity. It is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research, with broad-based expertise on the genetic, population, species, ecosystem and landscape level, in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal marine environments. NINA’s scientists come from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds that include biologists, geographers, geneticists, economists, sociologists and more.

Role in the project

  • Project management 
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Technology developer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration
  • Education and training
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)
Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)

The Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) has academic excellence in such fields as agriculture, forestry, animal science, veterinary science, rural life and bioeconomy, circular economy, food science, as well as environmental technology, science, policy & management. According to QS World University Rankings by Subject (2022), the Estonian University of Life Sciences is one of the top 100 universities in the world in the field of agriculture and forestry, ranked 65.). EMU currently manages 250 research projects funded by the EU, Estonian Science Foundation, not-for-profit organisations, national authorities and private enterprises.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
The Cyprus Institute (CYI)
The Cyprus Institute (CYI)

The Cyprus Institute is a non‐profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation. CYI emphasizes international collaborations and cross‐disciplinary research and education. The overarching mission of the CYI’s Energy, Environment and Water Research Center is the understanding of and preparationfor the major challenges and changes in the environment, socio-economic structures and societies in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 21st century.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Co-definition of research and market needs 
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
Wageningen University (WU)
Wageningen University (WU)

Wageningen University, part of Wageningen University & Research, is the only university in the Netherlands that specifically focuses on the theme ‘healthy food and living environment’. We do so by working closely together with governments and the business community. Wageningen University is a part of Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen University & Research consists of Wageningen University and several research institutes. Wageningen University & Research has locations throughout the Netherlands. A large number of teachers, professors and employees work on the Wageningen Campus.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration
The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

SYKE is a multidisciplinary research and expert service institute focused on delivering information, knowledge and solutions to public and private decision-making on sustainability transformation. SYKE provides essential expertise in social sciences (environmental governance and policy, transition studies, and economics) and nature-based solutions, biodiversity, water, marine, food, health, urbanization, and transport.

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Co-definition of research and market needs 
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
Global Change Research Institute CAS (CZEG)
Global Change Research Institute CAS (CZEG)

CzechGlobe is a public research institution and European centre of excellence investigating global climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and human society through the use of the latest techniques, instrumentation and research infrastructure. The integral part of the CzechGlobe are activities aiming at the development of innovative technological processes, proposals of adaptation strategies and educational activities. Through research and applications, CzechGlobe is supporting policies on ecosystem services.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
SarVision (SV)
SarVision (SV)

SarVision is an SME founded by researchers at Wageningen University. It integrates data from multiple satellite constellations with other sensors, using cutting-edge algorithms and environmental economic accounting models. It operates advanced radar-based forest and agricultural monitoring technology near real time. Its innovative deforestation and forest degradation monitoring methodology is unique and unparalleled in the world. It has well-trained and qualified GIS and Remote Sensing experts and a high expertise in IT and software development related projects.

Role in the project

  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Research performer
  • Technology developer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (MoE SR)
Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (MoE SR)

The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic (MoE SR) is the central state administrative authority and supreme inspection authority in environmental affairs, among others nature, biodiversity and landscape protection, national environmental policy, and a unified information system on environment and area monitoring. The project has been implemented through its Directorate for Nature and Biodiversity Protection in collaboration with experts from State Nature Conservancy SR, Slovak Academy of Sciences and others.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Policy maker or regulator, incl. standardisation body
Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF)
Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF)

Created as an initiative of the University of Azores, the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation (FGF) aims to promote activities of a scientific, technological, social, and environmental nature through the promotion and participation in programmes and projects, as well as via the development of training, consultancy and dissemination actions. Currently, FGF has a portfolio of 143 active research projects supported by several funding sources, manages a total of 119 consultancy projects, and engages 262 researchers supported by a team of 15 experienced officers.

Role in the project

  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest (ANB)
Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest (ANB)

Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest (ANB) is an agency of the Flemish Government and is part of the Ministry of Environment, Nature and Agriculture. ANB provides for the realization of the nature and forestry policy throughout the Flemish region. The agency is responsible for the implementation of the Habitat and Bird Directives and the EU Biodiversity Strategy, and as such is assigned with the management of Natura 2000 in Flanders. 

Municipality of Trento (ComTrento)
Municipality of Trento (ComTrento)

The Parks and Gardens Office is responsible for developing, managing and promoting public green spaces of the city of Trento — 118,632 inhabitants and 157 km² — emphasizing urban and suburban public green and agricultural areas as Green Infrastructures with a climate change aware approach. Green areas serve also to reconnect the city with the river Adige, since the valley floor suffers from urban sprawl and roads and railways infrastructures of the Brenner axis. The office uses a new cooperative approach on common goods and GIS tools (areas and maintenance activity census and trees cadastre).

Role in the project

  • Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Policy maker or regulator, incl. standardisation body
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania (LRAM)
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania (LRAM)

The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania is the main managing authority of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania which forms the country's state policy of environmental protection, forestry, utilization of natural resources, geology and hydrometeorology, territorial planning, construction, provision of residents with housing, utilities and housing, as well as coordinates its implementation.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Policy maker or regulator, incl. standardisation body
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (MoEPRD)
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (MoEPRD)

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (MoEPRD) is the national authority responsible for implementing policy in three areas - environment protection, regional development as well as information and communication technologies. MoEPRD functions include the development of policies and coordination of policy implementation in various areas, including protection and management of the marine environment, spatial development planning and land management. MoEPRD also coordinates maritime spatial planning in Latvia.

Role in the project

  • Policy maker or regulator, incl. standardisation body
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO)
Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO)

BIOPOLIS-CIBIO is a private, non-profit research institution aiming to advance knowledge on biodiversity and social-ecological systems. The institution has over 400 active members, including scientists, students, project managers and science communicators motivated to address societal challenges related to environmental changes, the conservation of biodiversity, and the sustainable use of ecosystems and their services.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
University of Haifa (UoH)
University of Haifa (UoH)

The University of Haifa is home to more than 18,000 students, and over 750 scholars and scientists make up the academic staff of the University's eight faculties. Our team is composed of scientists from the Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology and the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, who have been working together on Ecosystem Services (ES) for some years. Our past and ongoing research projects focus mainly on the assessment and mapping of ES at multiple spatial scales and under different land uses (planted forests, agriculture, natural and urban areas) and management practices.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
COHAB Initiative Secretariat (Cohab)
COHAB Initiative Secretariat (Cohab)

The COHAB Initiative (Co-operation on Health and Biodiversity) is a programme of work addressing the gaps in awareness, policy and action on the links between biodiversity and human health and well-being. The Initiative supports efforts to enhance human security through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides. COHAB provides a platform for knowledge exchange, understanding and experience-sharing, working to build partnerships for people and planet across sectors, cultures and borders.

Role in the project

  • Role: Project management
  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Since its founding in 1827, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities. KTH is Sweden’s largest technical university. The Dept. of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering focuses on challenges such as climate change, urbanization and ecosystem services, e.g. by developing and applying assessment methods and analyzing the effects of decisions from a social and environmental perspective.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
Croatian Forest Research Institute (CFRI)
Croatian Forest Research Institute (CFRI)

CFRI is a leading national public research institution with headquarters based in Jastrebarsko and with smaller facilities in Zagreb, Vinkovci, Varaždin and Pazin. CFRI implements top-quality scientific and applied research in the fields of forestry, forest ecology, wildlife ecology, forest policy and governance, forest management, silviculture, forest protection, and valuation of forest ecosystems goods and services. CFRI is the national ICP Forest coordinator and is responsible for forest gene diversity protection and lead service for forests’ pest occurrence prognosis at the country level.

Role in the project

  • Co-definition of research and market needs
  • Research performer 
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
SEAcoop (SEAC)
SEAcoop (SEAC)

SEAcoop STP is a cooperative founded in 1982 as a spin-off of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences of the University of Turin. The company’s activities focus on the analysis of relationships between human communities, agroecosystems and natural ecosystems to promote the correct management of natural capital and ecosystem services, in order to foster adaptation and resilience building in the light of climate change and biodiversity loss. SEAcoop STP is a member of the Ecosystem Services Partnership, of the Natural Capital Coalition.

Role in the project

  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration
Aerographica Geospatial (MP)
Aerographica Geospatial (MP)

Aerographica is a Bulgarian consultancy and research company specialized in providing services in the field of geospatial technologies and their application in environmental, spatial and urban planning including in the context of climate change adaptation of urban areas. Among the clients of the company are Sofia Municipality, The World Bank, different governmental institutions, municipalities, and business organizations.

Role in the project

  • Role: Testing / validation of approaches and ideas
University of Reunion (UR)
University of Reunion (UR)

The University of La Reunion (UR) is a French public higher education and research institution, located in the heart of the Indian Ocean, one of Europe's outermost regions, off the east coast of Africa close to Madagascar. By virtue of its unique geostrategic position, it is the only European university in the region. With almost 20000 students a year and 22 research labs, UR is the leading research organization in the southwest Indian ocean area.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Provision of research and technology infrastructure
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Education and training
  • Contributions from the social sciences or/and the humanities
Spatial Services (SpaSe)
Spatial Services (SpaSe)

Spatial Services GmbH is a service provider in the field of earth observation and geoinformatics. As a spin-off of the Geoinformatics Z_GIS department University of Salzburg, it fulfils the task of valorizing and servicing developments. SpaSe solutions and consulting services are geared towards communities, public institutions at national and international levels, as well as NGOs and businesses.

Role in the project

  • Technology developer
Asplan Viak (ASPLAN)
Asplan Viak (ASPLAN)

Asplan Viak is an interdisciplinary firm that champions collaboration as a means to evaluate and address the complex challenges of the development strategies of the future. The company specializes in consulting services, including architecture, construction, social analysis, community planning, energy and environmental engineering, urban and spatial planning, transformation processes, visualization, landscape architecture, technical installations, and hydraulic and environmental engineering.

Role in the project

  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
EY denkstatt (DS)
EY denkstatt (DS)

EY denkstatt Bulgaria is a leading business advisor on natural and social capital, connecting an entrepreneurial mindset with environmental and social science expertise. EY denkstatt leverages strong industry knowledge and connections, offering consulting services based on strong practical knowledge of corporate sustainability management — including work on sustainability disclosure, NC/BD measurement, management, strategy, and EU policy assessment. EY denkstatt is part of the EY network with over 400,000 employees in 150 countries. Participation in SELINA is by EY denkstatt’s Bulgarian office.

Role in the project

  • Research performer

Building sustainability and social impact. That sounds good. But how do you go about it in the complex world of stakeholders, regulations and frameworks and changing demands from clients and society? How do you deal with important issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss? At Impact House you will find all the expertise under one roof: from strategists to researchers, from climate and biodiversity to social inclusion. We have over 20 years of experience working with businesses, civil society organizations, investors and governments. We are happy to help you improve your impact. One step at a time.

Role in the project

  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO)
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO)

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for developing the government policy on fight against climate change, prevention of pollution, protecting the natural heritage, biodiversity, forests, sea, water and energy for a more ecological and productive social model. Likewise, it is responsible for the elaboration and development of the government policy against the country's demographic challenges (population ageing, territorial depopulation, floating population effects, etc.).

Role in the project

  • Policy maker or regulator, incl. standardisation body

The Chair of Planning Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) aims at advancing knowledge on how the interactions of humans with their environments shape landscapes and vice versa. It is anchored in the highly ranked (8th in 2022) public research university, ETH Zürich. The Chair works closely with the research centre CERC, which focuses on climate change, extreme events and natural hazards in mountain areas, and is supported by the Canton of Graubünden and the ETH Zürich.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service. The JRC employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy.


The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is a global centre of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy.  We work at the interface of science, policy, and practice to tackle the global crisis facing nature and support the transition to a sustainable future for people and the planet.

Role in the project

  • Research performer
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI)
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI)

Established in 2012, SAERI is a research institute operating from its main base in Stanley, Falkland Islands. It is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission in England under Charity number 1173105.  Our vision is to be an internationally recognised research institute, delivering world-class environmental research from the Falkland Islands that informs the effective stewardship of our planet. Our mission is to grow a sustainable environmental research institute in the Falkland Islands through partnership working to build capacity and inform the delivery of global environmental stewardship.

Role in the project

  • Communication, dissemination and engagement
  • Research performer
  • Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
  • Prototyping and demonstration