

14 December 2023

Introducing the 'Synergies' tab: SELINA highlights collaborative efforts with EU-funded projects

We are excited to announce the introduction of a new 'Synergies' tab under the Partners menu on the SELINA website. This designated space serves as a platform to recognise and showcase the established synergies between SELINA and relevant EU-funded projects, informing about collaborative efforts and joint initiatives. The aim is to create a more determined community devoted to biodiversity, ecosystem services, and natural capital.

The collaborative efforts encompass a range of activities, including networking, joint workshops, knowledge exchange, and the development and adoption of best practices, amplifying impact and increasing collective action towards shared goals. By highlighting these initiatives, we seek to raise the visibility of all projects involved and celebrate the diversity of our community.

In 2023 alone, SELINA has already established synergies with five projects. We invite interested parties to reach out to SELINA's Communication team at  if you would like to be featured on the Synergies page.