

1 February 2024

Exploring SELINA's Demonstration Projects through a debut series of video interviews

A series of video interviews with representatives of SELINA Demonstration Projects is currently ongoing, with the first few videos already published on SELINA's YouTube channel. In these interviews, participants share about their respective DPs main objectives, specific benefits and anticipated innovations, along with perspectives on how the DPs will facilitate the integration of ecosystem services and biodiversity into decision-making processes. Interviewees also discuss the transformative potential of SELINA outcomes as ‘seeds of change’, envisioning them as catalysts for positive change in attitudes towards ecosystem services.

The initial video interviews feature:

  • Francesca Alba from the Municipality of Trento (ComTrento, Italy), discussing SELINA DP03: Urban Greening Management Plan of Trento;
  • Anda Ruskule from the Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF, Latvia), discussing SELINA DP07: Maritime spatial planning and thematic planning of coastal public infrastructure;
  • Martha Verónica Arámbula Coyote from Ecostack Innovations Ltd. (EcoINN, Malta), discussing SELINA DP10: Nature-based tourism in Malta.

More interviews coming soon.