On 23 September 2024, the University of Copenhagen hosted the conference ‘Transformative Change and Ecosystem Services’ organised by the Danish Network on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in collaboration between IPBES in Denmark and the EU research project SELINA. The main aim of the conference was to discuss how to speed up the green transition to solve the biodiversity and climate crisis.
More than 30 participants from science, business, authorities and NGOs tried to find the way forward identifying seeds of change for transformative change. The two most important outcomes of the conference were a need to bring in new ideas by involving new actors and the need for a new shared vision, utopia, for the Danish countryside.
SELINA was presented by Erling Andersen from the University of Copenhagen and Inge Liekens, environmental economist and researcher at VITO, Belgium, who shared examples of the project's results.
More information on the conference can be found on the website of IPBES Danmark. This includes a presentation from the SELINA consortium on transformative change and on seeds of change.