

31 January 2024

Community of Practice in Croatia: A collaborative platform for exchanging ideas and support on ecosystem-related topics

The SELINA Community of Practice in Croatia was officially launched on 11 January 2024, with an online meeting hosted via Microsoft Teams. The event brought together 17 participants from 13 public and private institutions in Croatia, spanning sectors such as nature protection, environmental protection, higher education, water management, and government. A representative from the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development responsible for nature protection was also present at the meeting.

The kick-off meeting began with a warm welcome from the Croatian Forest Research Institute (CFRI), one of the partners in SELINA, followed by an introductory presentation on the SELINA project, highlighting its aims and objectives, with a particular focus on establishing the Croatian Community of Practice.

Throughout the meeting, participants engaged in discussions on various topics, including ecosystem conditions, ecosystem services, and ecosystem management, all of which are highly relevant to the SELINA project. Additionally, participants shared insights into their past and ongoing projects.

By establishing the Community of Practice in Croatia, the SELINA project has created a vital platform for professionals working on related topics to gather, exchange ideas, and support one another.