Demonstration Projects

Demonstration projects


The Bosland Forest Project

The Bosland Forest Project
The Bosland Forest Project
The Bosland Forest Project
Main objective

To ensure long-term preservation and sustainable management of the area of Bosland, which is the largest forest project in Flanders, Belgium.

Expected outcome

Improved management planning on the basis of ecosystem services in order to integrate different functions (wood production, water related services, biodiversity, etc.) without undermining the robustness and resilience of the forest.   Other important results will be formulating a case study on the impact of recreation on biodiversity and the continual monitoring of key species in the forest.

An ecosystem services assessment approach will be used to quantify the benefits provided by Bosland in terms of climate mitigation and adaptation, sustainable wood production, water retention and provision, and tourism opportunities. Moreover, DP04 emphasises the involvement and input of the local population, stakeholders, and public-private partners. Stakeholders from various sectors, including tourism, mining, agriculture, drinking water, education, science, hunting, local heritage, Flemish administrations and local agencies, are actively involved. As such, the participatory structure will be further expanded and anchored to strategies such as the science board ‘BosLAB’ as a critical structure within the policy, practice, and governance of Bosland.

Scientific Partner: Partner Cover
Policy Partner: Partner Cover