Demonstration Projects

Demonstration projects


Supporting sustainable agricultural practices in the Comprehensive Plan of Lithuania

Supporting sustainable agricultural practices in the Comprehensive Plan of Lithuania
Supporting sustainable agricultural practices in the Comprehensive Plan of Lithuania
Main objective

To contribute to implementing the Comprehensive Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania for 2030.

Expected outcome

The development of innovative methods for supporting decision-makers in the planning and management of agricultural areas. This will be achieved by providing a broader understanding of the links between ecosystem condition, ecosystem services and disservices, as well as externalities in the context of agriculture intensification.

The DP02 main focus is on agricultural-related services to promote their sustainable management and the enhancement of existing ecosystem services supply. For this purpose, DP02 will focus on mapping the ecosystem condition of agricultural areas, assessing temporal carbon sequestration, evaluating flood regulation and food production, identifying externalities and ecosystem disservices, and integrating the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) in policymaking. The DP envisaged the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, including research and educational organisations, National level state institutions in charge of implementing policy processes, local-level institutions, NGOs, and the business sector. 

Scientific Partner: Partner Cover
Policy Partner: Partner Cover